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EvgA Genetic Sensory Response Unit in Escherichia coli K-12 genome

Gensor Unit Map          
EmrK yegRZ_mRNA ydeP acrD GadE MdtE EvgS formate YdeP RcsB AcrD RcsB ydeP_mRNA frc YfdX EvgA YfdV phosphate gadEF-mdtEF acetyl-CoA yegRZ yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA frc_mRNA AcrA evgAS evgAS_mRNA phosphate EmrK formyl-CoA yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE TolC TolC oxalate safA-ydeO CO2 EmrY RNA:GadF safA-ydeO_mRNA SafA acrD_mRNA Oxc oxalyl-CoA AcrD NP emrKY MdtF TolC AcrA Frc TolC gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA MdtF drug emrKY_mRNA EvgA YdeO MdtE YfdE YegR EmrY drug_Ext GadE acetate

Gensor Unit       
Name: EvgA
Signal name: acidified medium.
Groups: General function prediction only
Lipid transport and metabolism
Carbohydrate transport and metabolism
Energy production and conversion
Signal transduction mechanisms
Amino acid transport and metabolism
Defense mechanisms
Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis
Gene Ontology Terms (GO): biological_process GO:0015721 - bile acid and bile salt transport
GO:0006974 - cellular response to DNA damage stimulus
GO:0071468 - cellular response to acidic pH
GO:0008152 - metabolic process
GO:0033611 - oxalate catabolic process
GO:0018106 - peptidyl-histidine phosphorylation
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cellular_component GO:0005737 - cytoplasm
GO:0005829 - cytosol
GO:0016021 - integral component of membrane
GO:0005887 - integral component of plasma membrane
GO:0005622 - intracellular anatomical structure
GO:0031226 - intrinsic component of plasma membrane
GO:0016020 - membrane
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molecular_function GO:0051539 - 4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding
GO:0043531 - ADP binding
GO:0005524 - ATP binding
GO:0003677 - DNA binding
GO:0003700 - DNA-binding transcription factor activity
GO:0036412 - acetyl-CoA:oxalate CoA-transferase
GO:0016831 - carboxy-lyase activity
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  Function Name Type
  protein AcrA protein
  protein AcrD protein
  complex AcrD-AcrA-TolC complex
  simple_molecule CO2 simple_molecule
  protein EmrK protein
  complex EmrK-EmrY-TolC complex
  protein EmrY protein
  protein EvgA protein
  complex EvgA-phosphate complex
  protein EvgS protein
  protein Frc protein
  protein GadE protein
  protein MdtE protein
  protein MdtF protein
  protein NP protein
  protein Oxc protein
  protein RNA:GadF protein
  protein RcsB protein
  complex RcsB-GadE complex
  protein SafA protein
  protein TolC protein
  complex TolC-MdtE-MdtF complex
  protein YdeO protein
  protein YdeP protein
  protein YegR protein
  protein YfdE protein
  protein YfdV protein
  protein YfdX protein
  simple_molecule acetate simple_molecule
  simple_molecule acetyl-CoA simple_molecule
  gene acrD gene
  simple_molecule drug simple_molecule
  simple_molecule drug_Ext simple_molecule
  gene emrKY gene
  gene evgAS gene
  simple_molecule formate simple_molecule
  simple_molecule formyl-CoA simple_molecule
  gene frc gene
  RNA frc_mRNA RNA
  gene gadEF-mdtEF gene
  RNA gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA RNA
  simple_molecule oxalate simple_molecule
  simple_molecule oxalyl-CoA simple_molecule
  simple_molecule phosphate simple_molecule
  gene safA-ydeO gene
  RNA safA-ydeO_mRNA RNA
  gene ydeP gene
  gene yegRZ gene
  gene yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE gene
  RNA yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA RNA

Showing 38 reactions
phosphate + EvgA EvgA-phosphate
Name: phosphate + EvgA -> EvgA-phosphate
Description: Reaction transforming phosphate, EvgA into EvgA-phosphate
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: phosphate + EvgA -> EvgA-phosphate
Function Name Type
reactant EvgA protein
product EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant phosphate simple_molecule
EvgA-phosphate acrD acrD_mRNA
Name: acrD -> acrD_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit acrD. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: acrD - EvgA-phosphate -> acrD_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant acrD gene
product acrD_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate emrKY emrKY_mRNA
Name: emrKY -> emrKY_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit emrKY. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: emrKY - EvgA-phosphate -> emrKY_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant emrKY gene
product emrKY_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate evgAS evgAS_mRNA
Name: evgAS -> evgAS_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit evgAS. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: evgAS - EvgA-phosphate -> evgAS_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant evgAS gene
product evgAS_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate frc frc_mRNA
Name: frc -> frc_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit frc. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: frc - EvgA-phosphate -> frc_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant frc gene
product frc_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate gadEF-mdtEF gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA
Name: gadEF-mdtEF -> gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit gadEF-mdtEF. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: gadEF-mdtEF - EvgA-phosphate -> gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant gadEF-mdtEF gene
product gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate safA-ydeO safA-ydeO_mRNA
Name: safA-ydeO -> safA-ydeO_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit safA-ydeO. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: safA-ydeO - EvgA-phosphate -> safA-ydeO_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant safA-ydeO gene
product safA-ydeO_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate ydeP ydeP_mRNA
Name: ydeP -> ydeP_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit ydeP. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: ydeP - EvgA-phosphate -> ydeP_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant ydeP gene
product ydeP_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate yegRZ yegRZ_mRNA
Name: yegRZ -> yegRZ_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit yegRZ. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: yegRZ - EvgA-phosphate -> yegRZ_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant yegRZ gene
product yegRZ_mRNA RNA
EvgA-phosphate yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA
Name: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE -> yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA
Description: Transcription of transcription unit yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE. Reaction activation by EvgA-phosphate.
Type: transcription
Pathway Components: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE - EvgA-phosphate -> yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA
Function Name Type
activator EvgA-phosphate complex
reactant yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE gene
product yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA RNA
acrD_mRNA AcrD
Name: acrD_mRNA -> AcrD
Description: Translation of AcrD
Type: translation
Pathway Components: acrD_mRNA -> AcrD
Function Name Type
product AcrD protein
reactant acrD_mRNA RNA
AcrA + TolC + AcrD AcrD-AcrA-TolC
Name: AcrA + TolC + AcrD -> AcrD-AcrA-TolC
Description: Reaction transforming AcrA, TolC, AcrD into AcrD-AcrA-TolC
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: AcrA + TolC + AcrD -> AcrD-AcrA-TolC
Function Name Type
reactant AcrA protein
reactant AcrD protein
product AcrD-AcrA-TolC complex
reactant TolC protein
AcrD-AcrA-TolC EmrK-EmrY-TolC TolC-MdtE-MdtF drug_Ext drug
Name: drug_Ext -> drug
Description: Transport of drug_Ext through a bacterial membrane, leading to the presence of drug inside the cell.
Type: transport
Pathway Components: drug_Ext - AcrD-AcrA-TolC - EmrK-EmrY-TolC - TolC-MdtE-MdtF -> drug
Function Name Type
catalyzer AcrD-AcrA-TolC complex
catalyzer EmrK-EmrY-TolC complex
catalyzer TolC-MdtE-MdtF complex
product drug simple_molecule
reactant drug_Ext simple_molecule
safA-ydeO_mRNA SafA
Name: safA-ydeO_mRNA -> SafA
Description: Translation of SafA
Type: translation
Pathway Components: safA-ydeO_mRNA -> SafA
Function Name Type
product SafA protein
reactant safA-ydeO_mRNA RNA
safA-ydeO_mRNA YdeO
Name: safA-ydeO_mRNA -> YdeO
Description: Translation of YdeO
Type: translation
Pathway Components: safA-ydeO_mRNA -> YdeO
Function Name Type
product YdeO protein
reactant safA-ydeO_mRNA RNA
frc_mRNA Frc
Name: frc_mRNA -> Frc
Description: Translation of Frc
Type: translation
Pathway Components: frc_mRNA -> Frc
Function Name Type
product Frc protein
reactant frc_mRNA RNA
Frc acetyl-CoA oxalate formyl-CoA + oxalate oxalyl-CoA + formate
Name: formyl-CoA + oxalate -> oxalyl-CoA + formate
Description: Reaction transforming formyl-CoA, oxalate into oxalyl-CoA, formate
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: formyl-CoA + oxalate - Frc - acetyl-CoA - oxalate -> oxalyl-CoA + formate
Function Name Type
catalyzer Frc protein
inhibitor acetyl-CoA simple_molecule
product formate simple_molecule
reactant formyl-CoA simple_molecule
inhibitor oxalate simple_molecule
reactant oxalate simple_molecule
product oxalyl-CoA simple_molecule
yegRZ_mRNA YegR
Name: yegRZ_mRNA -> YegR
Description: Translation of YegR
Type: translation
Pathway Components: yegRZ_mRNA -> YegR
Function Name Type
product YegR protein
reactant yegRZ_mRNA RNA
Name: yegRZ_mRNA -> NP
Description: Translation of NP
Type: translation
Pathway Components: yegRZ_mRNA -> NP
Function Name Type
product NP protein
reactant yegRZ_mRNA RNA
evgAS_mRNA EvgA
Name: evgAS_mRNA -> EvgA
Description: Translation of EvgA
Type: translation
Pathway Components: evgAS_mRNA -> EvgA
Function Name Type
product EvgA protein
reactant evgAS_mRNA RNA
evgAS_mRNA EvgS
Name: evgAS_mRNA -> EvgS
Description: Translation of EvgS
Type: translation
Pathway Components: evgAS_mRNA -> EvgS
Function Name Type
product EvgS protein
reactant evgAS_mRNA RNA
ydeP_mRNA YdeP
Name: ydeP_mRNA -> YdeP
Description: Translation of YdeP
Type: translation
Pathway Components: ydeP_mRNA -> YdeP
Function Name Type
product YdeP protein
reactant ydeP_mRNA RNA
yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA YfdX
Name: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> YfdX
Description: Translation of YfdX
Type: translation
Pathway Components: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> YfdX
Function Name Type
product YfdX protein
reactant yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA RNA
yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA Frc
Name: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> Frc
Description: Translation of Frc
Type: translation
Pathway Components: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> Frc
Function Name Type
product Frc protein
reactant yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA RNA
yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA Oxc
Name: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> Oxc
Description: Translation of Oxc
Type: translation
Pathway Components: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> Oxc
Function Name Type
product Oxc protein
reactant yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA RNA
Oxc oxalyl-CoA formyl-CoA + CO2
Name: oxalyl-CoA -> formyl-CoA + CO2
Description: Reaction transforming oxalyl-CoA into formyl-CoA, CO2
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: oxalyl-CoA - Oxc -> formyl-CoA + CO2
Function Name Type
product CO2 simple_molecule
catalyzer Oxc protein
product formyl-CoA simple_molecule
reactant oxalyl-CoA simple_molecule
yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA YfdV
Name: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> YfdV
Description: Translation of YfdV
Type: translation
Pathway Components: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> YfdV
Function Name Type
product YfdV protein
reactant yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA RNA
yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA YfdE
Name: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> YfdE
Description: Translation of YfdE
Type: translation
Pathway Components: yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA -> YfdE
Function Name Type
product YfdE protein
reactant yfdX-frc-oxc-yfdVE_mRNA RNA
YfdE acetyl-CoA + oxalate oxalyl-CoA + acetate
Name: acetyl-CoA + oxalate -> oxalyl-CoA + acetate
Description: Reaction transforming acetyl-CoA, oxalate into oxalyl-CoA, acetate
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: acetyl-CoA + oxalate - YfdE -> oxalyl-CoA + acetate
Function Name Type
catalyzer YfdE protein
product acetate simple_molecule
reactant acetyl-CoA simple_molecule
reactant oxalate simple_molecule
product oxalyl-CoA simple_molecule
emrKY_mRNA EmrK
Name: emrKY_mRNA -> EmrK
Description: Translation of EmrK
Type: translation
Pathway Components: emrKY_mRNA -> EmrK
Function Name Type
product EmrK protein
reactant emrKY_mRNA RNA
EmrY + EmrK + TolC EmrK-EmrY-TolC
Name: EmrY + EmrK + TolC -> EmrK-EmrY-TolC
Description: Reaction transforming EmrY, EmrK, TolC into EmrK-EmrY-TolC
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: EmrY + EmrK + TolC -> EmrK-EmrY-TolC
Function Name Type
reactant EmrK protein
product EmrK-EmrY-TolC complex
reactant EmrY protein
reactant TolC protein
emrKY_mRNA EmrY
Name: emrKY_mRNA -> EmrY
Description: Translation of EmrY
Type: translation
Pathway Components: emrKY_mRNA -> EmrY
Function Name Type
product EmrY protein
reactant emrKY_mRNA RNA
gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA GadE
Name: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> GadE
Description: Translation of GadE
Type: translation
Pathway Components: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> GadE
Function Name Type
product GadE protein
reactant gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA RNA
GadE + RcsB RcsB-GadE
Name: GadE + RcsB -> RcsB-GadE
Description: Reaction transforming GadE, RcsB into RcsB-GadE
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: GadE + RcsB -> RcsB-GadE
Function Name Type
reactant GadE protein
reactant RcsB protein
product RcsB-GadE complex
gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA RNA:GadF
Name: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> RNA:GadF
Description: Translation of RNA:GadF
Type: translation
Pathway Components: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> RNA:GadF
Function Name Type
product RNA:GadF protein
reactant gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA RNA
gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA MdtE
Name: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> MdtE
Description: Translation of MdtE
Type: translation
Pathway Components: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> MdtE
Function Name Type
product MdtE protein
reactant gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA RNA
MdtE + TolC + MdtF TolC-MdtE-MdtF
Name: MdtE + TolC + MdtF -> TolC-MdtE-MdtF
Description: Reaction transforming MdtE, TolC, MdtF into TolC-MdtE-MdtF
Type: state transition
Pathway Components: MdtE + TolC + MdtF -> TolC-MdtE-MdtF
Function Name Type
reactant MdtE protein
reactant MdtF protein
reactant TolC protein
product TolC-MdtE-MdtF complex
gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA MdtF
Name: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> MdtF
Description: Translation of MdtF
Type: translation
Pathway Components: gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA -> MdtF
Function Name Type
product MdtF protein
reactant gadEF-mdtEF_mRNA RNA
